Information for Paper ID 4291
Paper Information:
Paper Title: Towards 3D Passive Shear Elasticity Imaging Using Row-Columns Arrays 
Affiliation Type: Other 
Keywords: Row-column Array, passive elastography, 3D imaging 
Abstract: Three dimensional (3D) ultrasonic imaging is now possible thanks to the development of matrix and row-columns arrays (RCA). Moreover, 3D shear elasticity imaging was recently implemented with matrix arrays using the acoustic radiation force of ultrasound as shear wave source. However, matrix arrays require large number of channels and data to be processed. Contrary, RCAs allow volume imaging with lower channel count. To overcome the need of acoustic radiation force, in this work we implemented a passive elastography approach based on noise correlation of a complex elastic wave field to conduct 3D shear elasticity imaging using RCA. 
Track ID: 1.5 
Track Name: Elastography (MEL) 
Final Decision: Accept as Lecture 
Session Name: MEL: New Elasticity Imaging Methods (Lecture) 
Author Questions:
Student Contest: No
Contest Won Before: No
Student Travel Support: No