Session Index
Lecture Sessions |
Monday November 01, 2021 (12:00-13:30) |
Microwave Sensors Applied in Medicine & Materials Science Chair: Karthik Shankar - University of Alberta; Mohammad Zarifi - University of British Columbia; |
Chemical, Electrochemical & Gas Sensors 1 Chair: Marios Sophocleous - University of Cyprus; Preethi Preethichandra - Central Queensland University; |
Acoustic & Ultrasonic Transducers Chair: Bernhard Jakoby - Johannes Kepler University Linz; Krishnan Balasubrama - Indian Institute of Technology, Madras; |
Sensor Packaging (including on Flexible Materials) Chair: Alex Mason - Norwegian University of Life Sciences; Eric MacDonald - University of Texas in El Paso; |
Sensor Networks (IoT) 1 Chair: Binbin Chen - Singapore University of Technology & Design; Henry Leung - University of Calgary; |
Power Sources & Actuators 1 Chair: Andrew Holmes - Imperial University, London; Djilali Kourtiche - Institut Jean Lamour - Université de Lorraine-CNRS-UMR; |
Emerging Wearable Sensors & Systems 1 Chair: Elena Gaura - Coventry University; Mohamed Irfan Mohamed Refai - University of Twente; |
Microfluidics & Biosensors 1 Chair: Loes Segerink - University of Twente/BIOS, biomedical microdevices; Chirasree RoyChaudhuri - IIEST, Shibpur; |
Tuesday November 02, 2021 (11:00-12:30) |
Optical Sensors 1 Chair: Hengky Chandrahalim - The U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology; Minghong Yang - Wuhan University of Technology; |
Chemical, Electrochemical & Gas Sensors 2 Chair: Preethi Preethichandra - Central Queensland University; Marios Sophocleous - University of Cyprus; |
Inertial, Magnetic & Pressure Sensors Chair: Giacomo Langfelder - Politecnico di Milano; |
Sensor Systems 1 Chair: Michael Daniele - NC State University; |
Emerging Sensor Applications 1 Chair: Theerawit Wilaiprasitporn - Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC); |
Sensor Data Processing 1 (Soft Sensors) Chair: Krikor Ozanyan - University of Manchester; Marco Jose Da Silva - Federal University of Technology Parana; |
Emerging Sensors & Sensing Systems for Underground Infrastructure Chair: Karthick Thiyagarajan - University of Technology Sydney; Sarath Kodagoda - University of Technology Sydney; |
Sensor Phenomenology 1 Chair: Guozhen Liu - UNSW Sydney; Azadeh Hashemi - University of Canterbury; |
Tuesday November 02, 2021 (12:30-14:00) |
WiSE Event Chair: TBA |
Wednesday November 03, 2021 (10:00-10:30) |
Young Professional (YP) Technical Session Chair: TBA |
Wednesday November 03, 2021 (12:00-13:30) |
Microwave Sensors for Industrial & Commercial Applications Chair: Mohammad Zarifi - University of British Columbia; Karthik Shankar - University of Alberta; |
Chemical, Electrochemical & Gas Sensors 3 Chair: Marios Sophocleous - University of Cyprus; Aakash Jog - Tel Aviv University; |
Tactile & Strain Sensors Chair: Kunihisa Tashiro - Shinshu University; |
Sensor Systems 2 Chair: Javier Bilbao de Men - NM Numerical Modelling GmbH; Michael Daniele - NC State University; |
Sensor Networks (IoT) 2 Chair: Henry Leung - University of Calgary; Binbin Chen - Singapore University of Technology & Design; |
Sensor Materials, Processing & Fabrication 1 Chair: Masato Sone - Tokyo Institute of Technology; Mohsen Asadnia - Macquarie University, NSW, Australia; |
Emerging Wearable Sensors & Systems 2 Chair: Mohamed Irfan Mohamed Refai - University of Twente; Hung Cao - University of California, Irvine; |
Microfluidics & Biosensors 2 Chair: Shekhar Bhansali - Florida International University; Loes Segerink - University of Twente/BIOS, biomedical microdevices; |
Thursday November 04, 2021 (11:00-12:30) |
Optical Sensors 2 Chair: Minghong Yang - Wuhan University of Technology; Hengky Chandrahalim - The U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology; |
Chemical, Electrochemical & Gas Sensors 4 Chair: Preethi Preethichandra - Central Queensland University; Marios Sophocleous - University of Cyprus; |
Temprature Sensors & Others Chair: Kunihisa Tashiro - Shinshu University; Giacomo Langfelder - Politecnico di Milano; |
Sensor Systems 3 Chair: Michael Daniele - NC State University; Boby George - IIT-Madras; |
Emerging Sensor Applications 2 Chair: Azadeh Hashemi - University of Canterbury; Volker Nock - University of Canterbury; |
Sensor Data Processing 2 (Navigation & Positioning) Chair: Ashish Pandharipande - Signify; Valérie Renaudin - Université Gustav Eiffel; |
Poster Sessions |
Monday November 01, 2021 (13:30-14:30) |
Sensor Systems 4 Chair: Michal Janosek - Czech Technical University in Prague; |
Chemical, Electrochemical & Gas Sensors 5 Chair: Aakash Jog - Tel Aviv University; Marios Sophocleous - University of Cyprus; |
Sensor Data Processing 3 Chair: Valérie Renaudin - Université Gustav Eiffel; |
Emerging Sensor Applications 3 Chair: Volker Nock - University of Canterbury; Azadeh Hashemi - University of Canterbury; |
Demos & IEEE Sensors Journal/Letters Chair: Tao Li - University of Cincinnati, USA; Zhi Liu - Shandong University, China; |
Power Sources & Actuators 2 Chair: Andrew Holmes - Imperial University, London; |
Tuesday November 02, 2021 (14:30-15:30) |
Sensor Systems 5 Chair: Reneé Lerch - Fraunhofer IMS; |
Environmental Sensors (Temp, Pressure, Moisture) Chair: Valentina Zega - Politecnico di Milano; |
Optical Sensors 3 Chair: Hengky Chandrahalim - The U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology; |
Acoustic & Ultrasonic Sensors Chair: Sheng-Shian Li - National Tsing Hua University; |
Microwave Sensors for Wireless Technologies Chair: Rashid Mirzavand - University of Alberta; Karthik Shankar - University of Alberta; |
Sensor Phenomenology 2 Chair: Hung Cao - University of California, Irvine; Theerawit Wilaiprasitporn - Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC); |
Wednesday November 03, 2021 (14:00-15:00) |
Sensor Systems 6 Chair: Boby George - IIT-Madras; |
Chemical, Electrochemical & Gas Sensors 6 Chair: Aakash Jog - Tel Aviv University; Marios Sophocleous - University of Cyprus; |
Sensor Data Processing 4 Chair: Marco Jose Da Silva - Federal University of Technology Parana; |
Sensor Networks (IoT) 3 Chair: Henry Leung - University of Calgary; Binbin Chen - Singapore University of Technology & Design; |
Sensor Materials, Processing & Fabrication 2 Chair: Masato Sone - Tokyo Institute of Technology; Mohsen Asadnia - Macquarie University, NSW, Australia; |
Thursday November 04, 2021 (14:00-15:00) |
Sensor Systems 7 Chair: Vincenzo Romano Marrazzo - University of Naples Federico II; |
Physical Sensors & Applications Chair: Valentina Zega - Politecnico di Milano; |
Optical Sensors 4 Chair: Minghong Yang - Wuhan University of Technology; |
Microfluidics & Biosensors 3 Chair: Chirasree RoyChaudhuri - IIEST, Shibpur; Sergii Pud - University of Twente; |
Emerging Wearable Sensors & Systems 3 Chair: Mohamed Irfan Mohamed Refai - University of Twente; Hung Cao - University of California, Irvine; |
Sensors in Industrial Practices Chair: James Brusey - Centre for Data Science, Coventry University ; |