WF-IOT 2021 Reviewer Sign Up
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  • Select up to 4 topics of expertise.
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Select up to 4 topics of expertise.
Select Track ID Track Name
1011 Applications, Processes, and Services
2022 Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Analytics
3033 Basic and Enabling Technologies
4044 Communication, Connectivity, and Networking
5055 Computing – from Edge to Cloud
6066 Cybersecurity, Security, and Privacy
7077 Infrastructure, Devices, and Components
8088 Information Processing from Multimedia and Heterogenous Sources
9099 Results from Experiments, Demonstrations and Trials, and Deployment Experiences
101010 Social and Societal Impacts
111111 Systems Engineering, Integration Methods, and Operation Technologies
121212 Theoretical foundations, design methods, and architectural considerations
131313 Workshops
132513.1 7th Workshop on Blockchain based Secure Trust Environment Model for Internet of Things
132613.2 Mobile Edge Computing and Data Analytics for IoT
132713.3 Workshop on Wireless Intelligent Secure Trustable Things: bringing IoT and AI together
132813.4 Workshop on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-Assisted Communications for the Internet of Things
133113.5 Workshop on Fog Computing for Beyond IoT Services and Opportunities
141414 Special Sessions
142114.1 Vehicular Edge of Things Computing for Sustainable Internet Services Provisioning
142214.2 IoT Empowered Multi-Energy Systems
142314.3 Smart Health and Internet of Medical Things
142414.4 AI-IIoT: The Future of Intelligent Industry
142914.5 IoT based Consumer Technologies for Smart Villages
143014.6 IoT for Emergency Response and Disaster Recovery
151515 Industry Forum
161616 Vertical & Topical
171717 M.Sc. Forum
181818 PhD Forum
191919 Demo
202020 Tutorials
323221 Late Breaking News